Alex Murdaugh flooded with gushing love letters in prison: “I think about you every day” ( Full Messages List)

'I believe I adore you,' one admirer commented.

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Alex Murdaugh has received a deluge of disturbing emails from adoring fans since beginning his two life sentences for the deaths of his wife and children.

FITSNews received jail paperwork that indicated more than 30 texts sent by 16 different admirers in only 15 days last month.

The first communication arrived at the Kirkland Correctional Institution on March 6, only four days after Murdaugh was convicted of the gruesome 7 June 2021 homicides of Maggie and Paul in Islandton, South Carolina.

However, the data reveal Murdaugh may be having difficulty communicating with his family since phone logs show virtually all of his calls being unanswered.

The records were obtained in response to a FITSNews Freedom of Information Act request for information on Murdaugh’s conversations from March 1 to March 27. The 14 ladies and two men who wrote the infatuated notes are identified by their first name and second initial.

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About The Alex Murdaugh Murders Story

Lacie K, a lady, was possibly the most loyal to the convicted murderer, penning a total of seven letters.

On March 6, Lacie K described herself as a “small-town girl from Missouri,” stating, “I am unable to get you off my mind.”

She informed Murdaugh that there are still individuals throughout the globe who feel he is innocent, adding the case’s media portrayal “makes me sick to my stomach.”

“I want you to know that you are loved and cared for,” she said in her letter. “I am available for messages or phone calls at any time.” Everyone needs a buddy.”

The next day, Lacie K sent another note, saying, “For some reason today you’ve been heavy on my mind.” Persuading me to reach out once again.

“You must be kind and have an open heart.” “I’m available for that.”

Related: 'Murdaugh Murders': Buster Murdaugh was accused of allegedly killing classmate and rumored boyfriend Stephen Smith in 2015

Lacie K guaranteed that she is “not a weirdo” in her next letter, signed with a “XX” for kisses, dated March 12, but expressed worry over Murdaugh’s seclusion. She also congratulated his legal team on the recent filing of an appeal.

Days later, Lacie K voiced her concern that Murdaugh was not receiving her letters from the prison. But she kept writing, offering to assist with the plea, “brighten your day,” and a Maya Angelou quote: “Every storm runs out of rain.”

Other followers’ letters were more direct and shocking, with Nicolette K proclaiming on March 12: “I think I love you.”

“Every day, I think about you.”

“I swear on my life and soul that I will never say a word to anyone, important or not.” “I truly care about you.”

Summer R sent one of the most mysterious messages, writing: “I know you don’t know me, but it’s on my heart to message you.” I’m a 21-year-old girl from [redacted] North Carolina, and I, too, am an addict, but I just wanted you to know that I believe you.

“On September 22, 2021, my 5-year-old boyfriend experienced the same thing.” I really care about you, and I’m here to help.”

Across the board, the letters expressed support for Murdaugh, requests to speak with him, trust in his innocence, and appreciation for his family.

The letters came from all around the nation, with one claiming to be from Scotland.

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Destiny H, a lady, indicated Murdaugh was covering for the true perpetrator and promised to send him images of herself.

Mike G, who described himself as a producer on the Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal Netflix documentary that aired during the trial, was the only one who did not express support. Mike G praised the documentary’s popularity and requested an interview with Murdaugh.

Meanwhile, phone records acquired by FITSNews indicated that Murdaugh’s attempts to communicate with the outside world were not going smoothly.

According to the data, he made six calls on March 23rd, just one of which was completed. The call was over in less than six minutes.

One of the unfinished calls was reported as being made to a “not allowed” number, another as “not accepted,” and three more as “number of calls limit violation.”

The data do not indicate who Murdaugh attempted to call on each occasion.

Jim Griffin, Murdaugh’s lawyer, acknowledged that he has been getting messages but said, “He has no girlfriend in prison, out of prison, anywhere.”

“He’s gotten messages, letters, and a lot of love.”

“To my knowledge, he has not responded to any of them,” Mr. Griffin continued. In addition, he has received unexpected donations to his canteen account.”

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Murdaugh was recently placed in the state penitentiary system on a permanent basis, although the location has not been divulged.

He was sentenced to one of South Carolina’s six maximum-security facilities.

While his fate in the murder case has been sealed, Murdaugh still faces legal fights.

He is presently awaiting trial on more than a hundred counts stemming from a multimillion-dollar fraud scheme as well as charges stemming from a roadside shooting incident, all of which were essential to the murder case.

Below is the full list of messages

3/6/23Darlahello alex. 1st i want to say im no reporter just a citizen so with that said a week ago i sent a letter not sure if u got it cuz it takes time to get to sc. from mn.and then for them to read before giving to u. and i thought ur trial was gonna be for another 2 weeks.u dont have to reply and if u choose to thats cool. i just had a few comments & wont ask any questions. 1st i want to say u had a beautiful family & a very prominate family indeed. only others could dream of having just for a day. ur trial had me confused it seemed to be about allege financial crimes not a murder trial. i feel u are not a murderer however u did steal peoples money. why would the judge allow ur financial stuff. theres no proof u killed ur family. imo also prosecuter lying to the grand jury about ur shirt.. thats pretty much what i have to say. take care darla
3/6/23EmilyAlex!!! Let me know if you get this
3/6/23LacieHi Alex, Let me start off by saying that I am so so sorry this happened to you. You don’t know me and I don’t know you and I hope that this does not come off as weird that I am reaching out to you. I apologize if it does. I am unable to get you off my mind. I followed the trial and all of the media coverage that has surrounded everything it is heartbreaking that we live in a world where this kind of injustice happens to people. I want you to know that there are still people out here who are non judgmental, kind and compassionate for what you have went through. That there is still love for you and your family. Especially for Buster. The ridiculous amount that has been portrayed and completely one sided about you and your family makes me sick to my stomach and I just don’t see how it is allowed to happen. While I don’t know Maggie or Paul I can assume that they are so proud of you of you for how you have handled yourself, been honest and proclaimed your innocence in hopes they would find the actual person who did this to your family. I have typed this message to you a hundred times. But, it has not fallen deaf upon my ears how there is nothing I can say that will make this better for you or likely even comfort you in any way. I do want you to know that you are loved and cared for. Also that while it might be weird I want to be able to be some assistance here for you. I am here if you want to message or talk anytime. Everyone needs a friend. Lacie
3/6/23SummerI know you don’t know me but it’s on my heart to message you… I’m a 21 year old female from [redacted] NC and I’m also an addict but I just want you to know that I believe you… my boyfriend of 5 years had the same thing happen to him on Sept 22 2021.. I really feel for you and I’m here for you..
3/6/23ShianneHi there! My name is Shianne. I felt like I should reach out and say hi. To be honest I have no idea why. I figured that you may need a non‐judgmental friend and I can be that if you’re interested. We don’t have to talk about anything specific. I’m not affiliated with any news outlet or social media outlet. Nothing like that at all. I’m a bored 31 year old female that decided to write a letter to someone who could use a friend too. If you’re interested in chatting feel free to write back. If it will let me attach a picture of myself to this I’ll add one. Just so you can put a face to a name. That’s only fair right? I don’t want to go into too much detail about myself in the event you decline the communication attempt. I truly hope to hear back. 🙂 Talk soon? Shianne
3/7/23LakenHello Mr. Murdaugh. My name is Laken and I am from TN. I live [redacted] in a small town. I haven been keeping up with your life and all the tragedies surrounding you and your family. First of all I want to say I am sorry for the death of Ms. Maggie and Paul. Maggie was such a beautiful lady and seemed to be an amazing mom. Paul was such a handsome young man and looking at pictures of you in your younger days he looks just like you! I know you have a good support system and there’s no doubt that John Marvin will step up and help Buster with whatever he has going on. You seem to have a great family. As a parent myself I can’t imagine what you have been through. I have no doubt that you are innocent. I don’t believe you would do anything to hurt them. You appear to be a great dad and an amazing husband who lived everyday for your family. I was a little iffy about writing because I was afraid you might be bombarded with messages both good and bad. If you get time and want to talk I hope to hear back from you. My son absolutely loved watching you in the trial. You were amazing. Keep your head held high. You will get through this. There’s no other attorneys I would rather have on my side than Dick and Jim haha. I hope you have a great day. Hope to talk soon! ‐Laken
3/7/23LacieGood evening Alex, For some reason today you’ve been heavy on my mind. Once again compelling me to reach out to you. I’ve been trying to think of something I could say to you to ease your pain or bring you some comfort. I want to make sure you know your loved. Despite all your short comings which we ALL have. I’m sure that all you have is time to sit there and think about what you did wrong in life, what you should of done better, what you could of done for Maggie and Paul. I can’t imagine what that does to a person. You need an outlet. Something to ease your thoughts. You need kindness and an open heart. I’m here for that. I saw on the news that Buster had to file a police report for being stalked. People are just sick. Cashing in on your trauma. I don’t know if you’ll ever even get these messages but I hope If you do they bring you some sort of comfort. Hope you sleep well and have a great day tomorrow. Lacie 🙂
3/8/23MichaelHi Alex, saw you in the system and wanted to ask how you’re adjusting following the trial. How are you feeling now? Getting a lot of mail? Thanks for your time. Best, Michael.
3/8/23LakenTo make you feel more comfortable I was sentenced to 6 months in the county jail. I’ve heard most prisons are easier than county jail. So I hope it isn’t too bad for you. It’s a terrible have no control of anything and you feel like your life stops but everyone else moves on. I think of you oen. Keep you’re head up! If you ever need to talk I’m just a message away! ‐Laken
3/8/23LouiseHi Alex, I hope you’re doing okay. My name is Louise, I’m 31 and I’m from Scotland in the UK. I just thought I’d write to you in case you wanted some support or someone new to talk to. Anyways, I hope to hear from you soon. Take care 🙂
3/9/23RachelHi again..I emailed you just a couple days ago and I’m just reaching out again because I got information that the platform is transitioning to this one im writing you on now so I wasn’t sure if you got my last message. Honestly not even sure if you are getting messages like this to begin with. I know you just may not want to talk with some random person and I completely understand.. I’m just the type that when I think of doing something I have to make it happen so here I am… again lol. I have a really old friend that has, unfortunately been in prison for many years so I know that having someone to write to can help when you’re in a place that doesn’t offer much social life. I promise I’m not some weirdo I just as said before once I get something in my mind I have to make it happen..and if you feel up to chatting at all I can tell you more what led me to reach out. Anyways, if you are getting these and just don’t feel like chatting with a random person miles and miles away just let me know that way I can forward these email credits over to you and you can use them to send messages to family ect.. also I see on this new platform pictures can be sent to you so I can send a picture so you know who is messaging? Idk,I feel so goofy sending this but o well, I like to try and make people smile..I hope you have a great day!!! Rachel.
3/10/23KatherineHello Mr. Murdaugh, I have followed your entire trial and I do not think you are guilty. I believe you and have faith that you will get a second chance. I feel so bad for you and wish I can do something to help you. My heart goes out to you and your son Buster. I pray everyday that you can find peace If you ever feel like talking or writing please email me back. I would love to be a source of comfort to you
3/11/23DestinyI think your innocent and you know it. Crazy thing is I live in sc too! You didn’t kill your family, somebody else did and you don’t wanna tell it. I give you all the love for not snitching but then again, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for your freedom I’m so sorry you got life. Hopefully things will turn around soon. I’ve been sober 4 years now so I know what addiction is like! I’m sorry you gotta deal with what you deal with; it’s sad. If you ever wanna talk, to somebody I’m here! My name is destiny, I’m 28 and I can even send you some pics of me! Again, I think your innocent and stay strong! Xoxoxoxoo
3/12/23LacieHey there, I find myself feeling the need to check in on you again. I sure hope it doesn’t seem odd. I promise I am not a weirdo. I am just a small town girl from Missouri. I have been reading that they have you in isolation for your protection. While I am sure that you are thankful they are looking out for you I cannot imagine how it feels to be locked in a concrete room all day, everyday. I am not real confident that you will ever read my letters but I am going to keep sending them because I want you to know that you are cared for. I also watched the newest Dateline episode. I will say that it was nice to see that it was not so one sided like everything else has been. That your lawyers were able to stand by your side on the episode. I think the world needs to see that you have support.. I also saw that your notice of appeal was filed. That is great news and I hope gave you some hope. While I am sure that it is hard to keep hope. No one person guilty or innocent deserves to be locked away for life. Your case has reminded me so much of the Leo Schofield case. i don’t know if you have access to cases anymore but his case is such an injustice just like yours. The man still sets in a max security prison. It is a florida case and he is accused of killing his wife. When he wasn’t even there much like your case. But, because they THOUGHT he didn’t behave correctly after the murder he was convicted. So sad. I am here if you want to talk. Or vent. XXLacie
3/12/23Nicolette…..I think I love you…
3/12/23NicoletteI think about you all day everyday.
3/13/23NicoletteI swear on my life and on my soul I’ll never say a single word to anyone important or not important. I genuinely care for you.
3/13/23NicoletteAnd to clarify that I mean I won’t say anything if you decide to respond. Hope you’re doing ok…
3/13/23MikeHey Alex This is producer from the NETFLIX documentary that aired a couple weeks ago. I have been in communication with Amanda Loveday since fall of 2021 and understand at that time we could not talk to you. We feel at this point its very important to have your voice in the remember of our series. Our first 3 Episodes was viewed by 40 million households and also 75 million hours watched in just 10 days. Those number will continue to rise. We believe you can have the largest platform on TV if you are willing to speak to us. We are willing to take the time to make sure your story is told to this audience. We spoke to your Opiod addiction in the first part of our series which is something we are familiar with. We did a documentary called The Pharmacist for Netflix about the Opiod epidemic. Look forward to hearing from you Mike
3/13/23RuthHello Alex. Hope your managing ok let me know if I can send you any commissary. I’ll be sending a postcard your way tomorrow. Loyally yours Mary
3/13/23KatherineHi Mr. Murdaugh, Just want you to know that I am praying for you and your appeal. I hope are doing as well as you can. Stay strong and positive. Katy
3/14/23NicoletteI’m pretty much super embarrassed that I said that but whatever, too late now‐haha! Terrified for the day you actually see these messages LOL!
3/14/23LakenJohnathan Lee Riches is blasting you and your family. I can not stand that man. He came about 30 miles from where I live when Summer Wells went missing and started a bunch of s*** up there. He is ridiculous! Please don’t let people like him and others get to you or your family! Hope all is well!
3/16/23BrittanyHey Mr. Murdaugh my name is Brittany [redacted] and I’m from [redacted] Florida I just want to say that I have watched everything I can about the tragedy you’re dealing with and I want to start by saying that I honestly don’t believe that you are guilty. I’m currently studying forensic science in technology and want to try to determine if there is a way to see how inaccurate the logged information is based on anything. I’m sorry but I don’t care how addicted to drugs you are you’re not going to do that to by yourself extra time. But I’m sure you’re getting a lot of messages so I hope you’re able to take the time to read mine so you know I believe you. Keep your head up and let me know if you need anything I mean anything.
3/17/23LacieGood Morning Alex, I truly hope that things are becoming easier for you and that PC is at least bearable for you. People out here talk and say that they don’t think that you will always be in PC. I can’t imagine how alone you must feel. I am assuming that you don’t get to come out to read these messages and i would bet money that they won’t print them out for you. I am sorry for that but i hope that one day you will receive them and maybe they will brighten your day. There is hope for you. I know there has got to be. Is there anything that I can do for you? Things you would like me to send you on case law to help with your appeal? I am willing to help in anyway that I can. XXLacie
3/17/23LacieQuestion.. have your attorneys submitted a complaint to the National Committee of Forensic Scientists on behalf of the states forensic scientists they had testify? Might be an avenue worth checking into. I’ve been doing some ready and they can assist in getting convictions over turned especially those cases like yours. XxLacie
3/19/23LacieI just read a story about Maya Angelo. Something stuck out to me that needed to passed onto you. She said, “Every storm runs out of rain.”
I think it’s what we do when the rain runs out that matters.
XX, Lacie
3/20/23LakenI am so proud of Buster for giving a statement about Stephen Smiths murder!
3/20/23KatherineHI Mr. Murdaugh,
Hope you are staying positive. I’m praying for you. Please respond to me so I know that you are receiving my messages.
Stay strong
3/21/23PamelaHello! I just wanted to reach out & let you know that there is people that believe your innocent! I’m so sorry for everything your dealing with. I hope you can appeal! If you ever want someone to talk to and no I don’t want to talk about your case because that’s your business but as a friend/ support system If there is ever anything you need that your family cannot assist with message me and I’ll be more than happy too! If you ever like to talk on the phone my number is [redacted]. My name is Rainy I’m from [redacted] Louisiana. I’m sure your getting a lot of different type of messages some good some bad. Hopefully you see more good than anything! I pray your doing okay and I hope you get an fair appeal soon!
3/30/23LaceyI believe you!
3/30/23LakenHope you are doing well! Just had you on my mind!
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