Knife companies and dating apps among sealed search warrants for Bryan Kohberger

The search warrants concerning Bryan Kohberger and the murder victims included KA-BAR Knives Inc and a firm that monitors dating applications.

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MOSCOW, Idaho – This week, around 60 search warrants were issued, directing various corporations to give over evidence about the case against Bryan Kohberger, the man suspected of killing four University of Idaho students.

While the warrants were filed months after the killings, a judge approved an order last week to redact and distribute portions of the warranties to the public.

Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle, and Ethan Chapin were discovered stabbed to death at an off-campus residence in Moscow, Idaho, on Nov. 13, 2022.

Kohberger, a former Washington State University graduate student in criminology, is charged with first-degree murder. 

According to court documents, authorities discovered DNA on a knife sheath left at the scene that matched Kohberger’s DNA.

In December 2022, he was caught at his family home in Pennsylvania and transported to the Latah County Prison, where he resides until his preliminary hearing on June 26.

Prosecutors have yet to state what they think was the purpose for the killings, but sealed and redacted search warrants reveal what police have been seeking to construct their case against their suspect.

The warrants are used for:

  • Amazon (for sales from Jan. 1 2022 – present of a KA-BAR USMC Fighting Knife Sheath and/or a KA-BAR full-size straight-edged knife) 
  • American Express, Discover, Idaho Central Credit Union, Umpqua Bank, Wells Fargo, Potlatch No. 1 Financial Credit Union (asks for financial records from the victims)
  • Apple iCloud accounts from victims
  • AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Inland Cellular
  • Blue Ridge Knives
  • KA-BAR Knives Inc.
  • A Wi-fi company
  • Dropbox
  • Ebay
  • DoorDash
  • Google, Yahoo
  • Meta (asks for all privacy information, all posts on Facebook and Instagram, contact information, IP addresses, etc from the victims and their activity from Aug. 1, 2022 – Nov. 19, 2022)
  • Tinder 
  • Paypal / Venmo (from victims, with three other redacted names)
  • Reddit (with any identifiers related to Kaylee Goncalves)
  • Walmart (for sales from Jan. 1 2022 – present of a KA-BAR USMC Fighting Knife Sheath and/or a KA-BAR full-size straight-edged knife)
  • Yik Yak account of Bryan Kohberger
  • UPS (any video or recording stored on delivery trucks from Nov. 6, 2022, through Nov. 14, 2022)
  • Moscow / Coeur D’alene forensic labs (one warrant for Bryan Kohberger’s phone and his communications)
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