Michael Irvin’s lawsuit $100M defamation against Marriott

Michael Irvin launches a $100 million defamation action against Marriott and the employee who accused him of misbehavior.

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Michael Irvin has sued Marriott International and a female employee who accused him of misbehavior for $100 million in defamation.

Following the claim, the NFL Network removed Irvin from its Super Bowl broadcast this week. On Wednesday, the Hall of Fame former Dallas Cowboys receiver informed the Dallas Morning News that he had a brief encounter with his accuser in the lobby of the Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel, where he was staying on Sunday.

According to the lawsuit acquired by the News, Irvin accuses Marriott of attempting to have him “canceled.” Irvin is suing for slander and interference with a business relationship.

Irvin denied any misconduct in the meeting and told the News on Wednesday that the claim “baffled” him. Irvin’s accuser has not been identified and is known only as “Jane Doe” in the complaint Irvin filed on Thursday.

The nature of the claim is unknown. On Wednesday, Phoenix police told the News that no criminal charges had been brought against Irvin.

Irvin’s complaint includes a list of witnesses who back up his allegation that no misconduct occurred during contact with his accuser. According to Irvin, his interaction with his accuser lasted 45 seconds and included a handshake. The News met with three of Irvin’s witnesses.

Marriott has not publicly addressed the case, and a representative did not respond to the News’ request for comment Friday morning.

“Plaintiff’s representatives have sought out to the hotel and even visited in person to get clarification regarding this scenario, produce witnesses, and address this problem before Plaintiff’s image might be further harmed – but to no effect,” according to the lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, Irvin was “shockingly awakened up by a crew of security” from his hotel room and escorted from the premises “without any explanation or inquiries.” According to the lawsuit, Irvin has been barred from entering any Marriott property.

According to the lawsuit, a hotel manager then phoned the NFL and alerted the organization that Irvin had been accused of inappropriate behavior. On Wednesday, an NFL Network representative told the News that Irvin “would not be a part of NFL Network’s Super Bowl LVII week coverage.” Irvin was later rescheduled for a Friday morning appearance on ESPN’s “First Take,” where he is a regular guest.

Three witnesses, Bryn Davis, Joe Manuele, and Phil Watkins, told the News that they spotted Irvin conversing with fans in the Marriott’s lounge on Sunday. According to the News, the males are business associates who aren’t Cowboys supporters.

According to the males, they offered to buy Irvin a drink before taking a photo with him outside the hotel. When the men returned to the lobby, they noticed the female worker approach Irvin for a talk.

“It was really different,” Davis told the New York Daily News. “I remember where his hands were because I recall thinking he was in fantastic form for an almost 60-year-old person. 

He leaned over and shook her hand, and I’ll tell you right now: that chat lasted approximately 30 seconds. I’d be surprised if it was a minute. I’d say 30 seconds.

“It was just a usual back-and-forth….” Michael approaches the elevator. She returns to the restaurant, and everything is as normal as it can be. That’s all there is to it.”

Manuele and Watkins agreed that no improper conduct was observed during the interaction. Irvin’s accuser has not publicly addressed the charges.

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